5 min 26/04/2024

Elevate Your Skin Care


The appearance of our skin is a reflection of our health and well-being.

 It’s an organ that protects us from external agents, and due to its constant exposure, skin care is essential. Regardless of your age! It’s not a matter of aging, which is why at Halmma, we teach you the benefits of taking care of your skin.

The Power of Skin Care

The skin is the largest organ in our body and, at the same time, the most visible and exposed to external agents, hence the importance of skin care. Often, our skin faces heat, cold, air, bacteria… In short, all kinds of external aggressions that can cause its deterioration.

Our skin constantly regenerates, which means that we must properly remove those dead cells so that they are not exposed on our skin, which is our first line of protection.

But it not only has immunological properties but also allows us to perceive the sense of touch through its nerve endings.

Not having a skin care routine can cause dermatological problems and accelerate aging, so it’s essential to take care of our skin inside and out.

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Still Don’t Know Your Skin?

Knowing your skin type is basic to be able to provide it with the proper care, as each skin phototype has different characteristics and, therefore, requires different care as well.

Normal Skin

Normal skin is known as that which is in balance, meaning that it doesn’t react too much to changes in temperature or season.

Generally, this type of skin doesn’t have open pores or pimples, it’s elastic and smooth, and it doesn’t present visible imperfections.

Dry Skin

Dry skin is one that produces less sebum than normal. This makes it appear tight and rough, with a dull tone.

Lacking lipids that retain moisture, the skin is more unprotected and can cause premature aging, so wrinkles appear around the eyes and expression lines.

Oily Skin

Oily skin is one that usually produces more sebum than normal. This results in shiny skin, open pores, and a tendency to have blackheads, pimples, and acne.

This excessive sebum production or seborrhea is responsible for acne, not only during adolescence but also for that moist-looking complexion.

Combination Skin

Combination skin is known as that which combines characteristics of both dry and oily skin. Generally, this oily skin usually corresponds to the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin), while dry skin (or normal in some cases) is located on the cheeks.

This combination of skin types can be identified when shine appears in the T-zone at the end of the day or when the cheeks are dry or sensitive to cold or wind.

Secrets for Perfect Skin

You should know that skin care not only involves a routine with specific products. There are other ways to maintain healthy skin:

  • Keep your skin clean daily to remove toxins and makeup residues. Ideally, clean it in the morning and at night with products specific to your skin type.
  • Hydrate your skin inside and out. Drink plenty of water and use moisturizing creams for your face and body if you want to nourish it deeply.
  • Protect yourself from the sun. Use sunscreen and avoid prolonged exposure to prevent spots, wrinkles, or even skin diseases.
  • Avoid bad habits. Tobacco and alcohol are enemies of your health and also of maintaining healthy skin.
  • Watch your diet. A healthy diet is essential for skin care. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins contribute to improving the health of your skin.
  • Manage stress. Relax, get enough rest, take time for yourself… Stress can cause greater sensitivity in your skin.

Illuminate Your Face: Care for Your Facial Beauty

To properly care for facial skin, it’s important to know your skin type and apply these recommendations in each case:

  • Skin care for normal skin should be based on consistency to preserve its properties over time. The most recommended is a nighttime routine with natural products.
  • For proper care of dry skin, hydration is fundamental, so a morning and evening routine is recommended. In young skin, moisturizer may be sufficient, but for mature skin, a serum can be incorporated.
  • Oily skin requires continuously removing possible residues (such as makeup remnants). A daytime and nighttime routine is necessary, using products with natural ingredients and performing cleansing and toning at the end of the day.
  • Skin care for combination skin is usually the same as for oily skin, that is, a daytime and nighttime routine, with natural ingredients and removing impurities and toxins to seek balance.

Care for and Hydrate Body Skin

Caring for body skin to keep it healthy is also very important. Starting with the shower! In daily showers, it’s best to limit the time and avoid prolonged baths. Extreme temperature water (neither cold nor hot) should not be used, nor should aggressive sponges. And as for soap, use neutral and natural soaps in small amounts. Gently dry your skin with a towel and apply moisturizer while your skin is still slightly damp.

As with the face, body skin also needs sunscreen, regular cleansing, and good dietary habits. Hydration, of course, is essential. Pampering your skin will make it look healthier because it will be healthier!

At Halmma we take care of your well-being!